Here is the text of the rite done at Summerland Gathering to call and charge spirits of the Court of Brigid to aid in practical magic works. I appreciate the 25 or so people who worked in the rite with us, and I encourage any reports especially of successes, or of interactions with the spirits that might be valuable to other students. At the bottom I post the three talismanic forms. They may take a minute to load...
The Rite:
The talismans are prepared, and each is set up before the operator, open and steady. Each operator has a personal candle, which can be decorated as seems proper.
Find your basic trance, and attune to the Two Powers
Offer to the Fire, Well & Tree, saying:
• Mother of All, We offer to you, from whose womb all life springs. Uphold this rite as you do the whole world and grant us, we pray, your blessing. Earth Mother, accept our offering.
• The Fire the Well, the Sacred Tree
Flow and flame and grow in me.
In Land, Sea and Sky
Below and on high
Let the water be blessed and the Fire be hallowed.
So be it!
Sprinkle all from the Well, and cense from the Fire, saying:
• By the might of the Waters and the Light of the Fire,
This Grove is made whole and holy.
• Make an offering into the Fire, and say:
Keeper of Gates, aid me to open the Ways. Guard and ward the Ways Between as we call to the spirits, that only good may come to our rite. Hold open the way between the worlds we pray, and accept this offering:
• With your work hand (or wand) make a welcoming spiral over the Fire, saying:
By Land, Sky and Sea;
By Gods, Dead and Sidhe;
By Fire, Well and Tree;
Let the Gate be open!
Turn once deosil, saying:
• So the Way is opened and this place is claimed. Let no ill or harm come to us and ours, and Wisdom, Love and Power flow to me through this gate. So be it!
Pause and open the Inner Eye.
• Now let us recite the Charm of the Threshold, to open the Inner Eye:
Between Fire and Water, I find my balance
From the Union of Fire and Water the Mist rises
Let the Mist carry me, and my Eye of Vision open
Let the Eye lead me, and my vision be clear and true
Let my Vision enchant me, with the sorcerer’s sight
Eye of Vision, eye of flesh, let me see clearly
That the Work of the Wise be done.
With the Gates open, we turn our minds to Magic... renew your center... Earth below and Sky above... feel the currents of light and dark... flowing in our flesh, and in the Grove... We feel the Waters beneath, the Fire Above... they meet and flow within us... and from their merging rises the Mist of the Between... Rising to surround and encompass... as the common world fades... and the Sacred center becomes bright... as our Fire becomes the Great Fire... our Well the Great Well... our simple pillar the bole of the World-Tree... and we behold the shining Gates of the Otherworld... See the Mist draw back... surrounding on every side... and be present in the Threshold Vision... on the Edge of the Land of Spirits... whether your eyes are closed or open... the Threshold is before you...
• A short invocation to the Kindreds, with a simple offering, can be done if this is being done formally at the shrine:
Hear us, Three Holy Kindreds, and turn your eyes upon this work. By these rites, by these signs and gifts, with these spirits we intend to work our wills. We seek, health, wealth and wisdom in the old way, and we ask you to open the ways for us, and especially to join us in the worship of Brigid the High One. Holy Ones, accept our offering!
Gods and Dead and Mighty Sidhe
Powers of Land and Sky and Sea
A gift I give, from me to thee
Come and lend your aid to me.
• Prepare an offering and invoke Brigid, saying:
Brigid of the mantles, Brigid of the hearth fire,
Brigid, friend of mortals, Brigid, fire of magic
Brigid the foster mother, Brigid woman of wisdom.
Brigid the daughter of Danu, Brigid the triple flame.
Kindle your flame in my head, heart and loins,
Send me your cup, your harp, your hammer,
That I may work with the spirits of your Court,
All in your honor, Brigid font of blessing.
So I call you, Brigid an Ardhaon, High one.
Receive these offerings!
Offerings of milk, honey & whiskey are given, with the verse sung as each is given:
Bríd thuas linn, Bríd thíos linn, Bríd maidir linn; Bríd inár gcroí
(Brigid above us, Brigid below us, Brigid around us, Brigid in our hearts)
• Prepare an offering to the Tri Cumhachtai, saying:
In the power of Brigid na Ardhaon
We call to the Servants of Brigid.
We call to the Clairseach Bríd - the Harp of Brigid.
teacht, cumhacht, teacht, de réir ainm Bríd
(come, power, come, in Brigid’s Name)
offering of crystal
We call to the Cuach Bríd - the Cup of Brigid.
teacht, cumhacht, teacht, de réir ainm Bríd
Offering of milk
We call to the Casúr Bríd - the Hammer of Brigid.
teacht, cumhacht, teacht, de réir ainm Bríd
Offering of incense
Oh great Servants of the High One, answer this calling.
To you, O Noble Ones, we give these offerings.
Fáilte a chur roimh, trí Cumhachtaí Bríd.
Come to the call, and accept our sacrifice!
Final offering is given, with meditation on the presence of Brigid. An omen could be taken to determine whether the goddess is favorably disposed to the work.
• We come to work our will, to seek boons by the might of Brigid. Give us your blessings, High One, and let the Cup bring healing, the Hammer bring prosperity and the Harp bring the fire of inspiration.
• Let the blessing flow through the Gate, as we prepare our hearts to speak with the Courtiers of Brigid! Let us receive the fire of the Goddess, to light the way for the spirits.
Flame is drawn from the Fire, and each personal candle is lit. Conjuring words intoned as candle is lit.
• We call now to those Courtiers who will aid us in these works. Come to this fire, as you have sworn when you received our offerings, and grant us you aid in all these works. Hear the hearts of these good folk, and heed the signs that have been assembled.
We call in the name of Brigid an Ardhaon, by the nine given gifts and the threefold blessing. By the Harp and Hammer and by the Cup I call you, to come to my Grove.
• Now we will name the spirits, and give the first offering. This we give because you come to our aid, but a further offering will be yours when you complete the work.
• First we call to the spirits who we ask for inspiration:
Behold you a woman dressed in the garb of a crafter, hair bound up, eye sharp as she shapes silver into beauty.
O spirit (Gredda) O Noble One
I call to you by Well and Fire and Tree
Draw near, and come in peace, I bid you now,
Take you this gift, O (Gredda) come to me!
Offer silver. The verse charm is repeated for each of the spirits, using their name.
• Behold you a man, dressed as a herald carrying a book, but bearing a sack of craftsman’s tools…
Micel – Offer metal wire
• Next we call to the spirits who we ask for prosperity
Behold a woman, dressed as the Lady of a fine house, bearing keys and a purse of coins…
Mendahlyn – offer silver coins
• Behold a man, childlike in size, and merry, yet with the appearance of a strong old farmer…
Ceimh – offer charcoal
• And we call to the spirits who we ask for healing
Behold a young girl, on the edge of womanhood, with dark hair, bearing a cup filled with steaming brew…
Slainte Beir – offer cream
• Behold a woman, dressed as a noble bard in many colors, bearing a cup and a quill…
Sirona – Offer incense and add:
We give you thanks Sirona, for your weal
In this our work of magic, cure and heal.
When the spirits have arrived, greet them saying:
• Welcome spirits, to the fire in peace. Welcome without harm or deceit and in the name of Brigid. We bid you to remember your oath, and to fulfill all that we ask of you, with harm to none, neither in mind nor in body, in health, wealth or wisdom, in Land, Sea or Sky or in the places between. By that oath we welcome you, Courtiers of Brigid.
• Now let us open our inner eyes for a moment, and behold the images of the spirits, come here to stand with us at our spell-shrine. See the Three Powers, the Cup, Harp and Hammer, and see the two spirits who you ask to aid you in your intention. Let us abide, for a little while, in that vision…
Welcome again, Courtiers, in the High One’s name. We raise our lights to you, as we sound these words in the Old Speech.
Raise the flame before the shrine, and all intone their conjuring words
We have called you here to ask your aid in these works. Again we sing the words of our intent:
all intone their conjuring words
Now let us turn our minds inward, and quietly speak our intent, as we sing:
All sing “Power of the Spirits” as people speak their intent to the spirits. When all seem to be finished, the chant ends.
• So hear us, O Courtiers of Brigid, and be set to your task, as you have promised. So depart now, friends, O Gredda and Micel, O Sirona and the Heal-Fetch, O Mendahlyn and Ceimh, and remember your oath, complete the charges we have given you, with harm to none, and come again at the proper time, or whenever I might call you, and I will make to you due offering.
• Closing
When all is done, Recenter and close the Inner Eye fully and completely.close as usual, saying:
• Let bound be bound and wound be wound
Thus all is done, and done, and well done
And thus we end what was begun.
We have worked a work of magic art, for the good of each and the good of all. Now as we prepare to return to our more common tasks, it is proper that we give thanks to all those who have aided us.
• To the Courtiers of Brigid we give thanks
For your aid in these works of blessing
• To Brigid na Ardhaon, and to the Tri Cuchachtai Brid
We thank you for blessing this rite.
• Shining Ones, Mighty Dead , Noble Spirits
We thank you for your aid and blessing.
Triple Kindreds, Gods, Dead and Landspirits:
We thank you for upholding this magic.
Make a closing spiral over the Hallows.
• Lord of the Gates, lord of Wisdom,
We give you our thanks.
Now let the Fire be flame, the Well be water,
Let all be as it was before,
Save for the magic we have made
Let the Gates be closed!
Recenter and contemplate the entire working, and end, saying:
• To the Mother of All I give thanks,
For ever upholding our lives and our work.
The fire, the well and the tree
Flow and flame and grow in me!
Thus do we remember the work of the wise.
Peace and blessings to all beings,
The rite is ended!
Here is a short text that can be used as a maintenance rite for follow-up at home:
The Home Novena
Bless Water and Fire, saying:
The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree
Flow and Flame and Grow in me
In Land, Sea and Sky, Below and on High,
Let the Water be blessed
and the Fire be hallowed.
Sprinkle and cense all, saying:
By the Might of the Waters
and the Light of the Fire
Cleansed of ill and bane am I
By the Might of the Waters
and the Light of the Fire
Blessed in Land and Sea and Sky
Offer to the Fire, saying:
Gods and Dead and Mighty Sidhe
Powers of Earth and Sky and Sea
By Fire and Well, by Sacred Tree
Offering I give to ye.
Prepare a simple offering to Brigid, saying:
Brigid of the mantles, Brigid of the hearth fire,
Brigid, friend of mortals, Brigid, fire of magic
Brigid the foster mother, Brigid woman of wisdom.
Brigid the daughter of Danu, Brigid the triple flame.
Kindle your flame in my head, heart and loins,
Send me your cup, your harp, your hammer,
That your Courtiers may know me and hear me,
All in your honor, Brigid font of blessing.
So I ask your aid in my work, with this gift:
Bríd thuas linn, Bríd thíos linn, Bríd maidir linn; Bríd inár gcroí
(Brigid above us, Brigid below us, Brigid around us, Brigid in our hearts)
By the Fire of Brigid, let my call be heard.
Oh (spirit), Oh (spirit), let my voice be heard.
Remember the charge, Noble Ones, and aid me to (state intent),
In the name of the High One, and by my magic I bid you
And when you have done as I have bid
I will give to you due offering!
Extinguish the candle, and close, saying:
The blessings of the Holy Ones be on me and mine
My blessings on all beings, with peace on thee and thine
The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree
Flow and Flame and Grow in me
Thus do I remember the work of the Wise.
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Inspiration Shrine |
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Prosperity Shrine |
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Healing Shrine
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