In my personal work I have a long-practiced, nearly-unconscious pattern of applying the Two Powers (as some Druids say - the Underworld and Heaven Powers) to cleansing myself and maintaining a healthy pattern. For those not immediately in Our Druidic work, let me expound a little.
• One can approach the impersonal spiritual energies of the cosmos as the powers of Underworld and Heavens. Allow me to quote myself, from my "Basics of Pagan Worship":
... the
‘energies’ of the spiritual world. Most common is the work called ‘grounding
and centering”. In that technique we make ourselves aware of a flow of
“spiritual energies” in the cosmos, and balance those energies in our own
bodies and spirits. ...
At the basic
level we address these energies as the Light of the Heavens and the Waters of
the Underworld. The Underworld Power is envisioned as the Waters Under the
Earth, in which all the wisdom of the past is dissolved. The Power of the
Heavens is seen as the Light of the Turning Sky, which brings order, pattern
and growth. This duality corresponds to cosmic principles, poles of cosmic
structure between which the manifest world appears. ...
Working with
the Fire and Water can be a core technique of practical magic, ... The Fire and Water are the primal powers of creation. When we take
conscious control of the Two Powers, through imagination and will, we are doing
in the microcosm what the Gods and Spirits do in the greater cosmos.
The standard of proficiency in this technique of
energy-work is to learn to bring (awareness of) the Two Powers into the self
quickly and surely. ... From that base any number
of specialized forms and applications of the energies can be devised.
The 'Fire and Water' healing charm here is precisely that sort of specialized application. I'm sure it could be worked with any sort of 'grounding and centering' but it is designed for the Two Powers work of Our Druidry.
The second charm here is a direct invocation of the Goddess brigid, who I look to as a primary healer goddess. It calls upon Her Three Powers - immediate daemons of the goddess who I know as the Cup, the Harp, and the Hammer. Details of that concept can be found in the Court of Brigid material. Even if not familiar with those ideas, following the images and poetry of the charm should get you close to the goal.
So here's my wish, for strength to our flesh, skill to our physicians, and the comfort and protection of the spirits on us all.
The second charm here is a direct invocation of the Goddess brigid, who I look to as a primary healer goddess. It calls upon Her Three Powers - immediate daemons of the goddess who I know as the Cup, the Harp, and the Hammer. Details of that concept can be found in the Court of Brigid material. Even if not familiar with those ideas, following the images and poetry of the charm should get you close to the goal.
So here's my wish, for strength to our flesh, skill to our physicians, and the comfort and protection of the spirits on us all.
Healing by Fire and Water
A charm to prevent infection and strengthen wholeness
If desired you may work with a candle-flame and a small bowl of water. The charm can be worked in vision, conceiving the left hand as the Water and the right hand as the Fire.
• Begin by centering yourself in the Two Powers, establishing the Flow and Shine of Underworld and Heavens in your body. When you are ready:
• Extend the left hand (holding the water, or with a small amount in the palm, or only in vision), and understand the Underworld Power as flowing up through you, to concentrate in that hand. Breathing strongly and maintaining that vision, recite:
Deep Water rise,
Dark water bright
Strength from the Deep
All-Cleansing might
(and incant this nine times, charging the water)
If desired you may work with a candle-flame and a small bowl of water. The charm can be worked in vision, conceiving the left hand as the Water and the right hand as the Fire.
• Begin by centering yourself in the Two Powers, establishing the Flow and Shine of Underworld and Heavens in your body. When you are ready:
• Extend the left hand (holding the water, or with a small amount in the palm, or only in vision), and understand the Underworld Power as flowing up through you, to concentrate in that hand. Breathing strongly and maintaining that vision, recite:
Deep Water rise,
Dark water bright
Strength from the Deep
All-Cleansing might
(and incant this nine times, charging the water)
• Then anoint the forehead,
chest and belly or loins with the water, or place the hand on them in turn,
from top to bottom, saying:
Flow, Oh Power, from the deep, through my heart, to my hand, that I may be cleansed,
that I may be rinsed, that every ill be washed away.
That bonds be broken, and washed away.
That hooks be released, and washed away
That every bit be cleansed, and washed clean.
For the Blessing of the water I give thanks
Flow, Oh Power, from the deep, through my heart, to my hand, that I may be cleansed,
that I may be rinsed, that every ill be washed away.
That bonds be broken, and washed away.
That hooks be released, and washed away
That every bit be cleansed, and washed clean.
For the Blessing of the water I give thanks

Fire of heaven, Fire of the Sky
Moon’s white Silver, Sun’s bright gold
Shine upon me, shine within
That your power I may hold
(and incant this nine times, charging the fire)
• Then use your hand to warm or brighten the belly or loins, heart and forehead
in turn with the flame, from bottom to
top, saying:
Shine, Oh Light, from the heights, through my head, to my hand, that I may be made whole.
Let the Light of Formation fill every empty space, and restore me to wholeness
Let the Light of Knowledge fill every empty space, and restore me to wholeness
Let the Light of Illumination fill every empty space, and restore me to wholeness
That I may be whole, and healed, and well.
For the Blessing of Fire I give thanks.
Shine, Oh Light, from the heights, through my head, to my hand, that I may be made whole.
Let the Light of Formation fill every empty space, and restore me to wholeness
Let the Light of Knowledge fill every empty space, and restore me to wholeness
Let the Light of Illumination fill every empty space, and restore me to wholeness
That I may be whole, and healed, and well.
For the Blessing of Fire I give thanks.
• And clasp the hands before the heart, understanding the whole work, the
cleansing and restoration, and affirming.
So by Fire and Water
Let me be cleansed and whole.
So be it.
So by Fire and Water
Let me be cleansed and whole.
So be it.
By the Mercy of Brigid, Flame in the Hearth
By the Flow of Brigid, Water from the Well
Spirit of the Hammer, Warm the Forge
Spirit of the Quaich, Bear the Draft
Spirit of the Harp, Sing Beauty
So ring, Oh Hammer, in the Cauldron of Warming
Let my furnace burn warm, my power be strong,
By the Flow of Brigid, Water from the Well
Spirit of the Hammer, Warm the Forge
Spirit of the Quaich, Bear the Draft
Spirit of the Harp, Sing Beauty
So ring, Oh Hammer, in the Cauldron of Warming
Let my furnace burn warm, my power be strong,
to keep me from all ill.
Be full to spilling, Oh Cup, into my Cauldron of Movement
Let your healing flow through every course,
Be full to spilling, Oh Cup, into my Cauldron of Movement
Let your healing flow through every course,
to keep me from all ill
Sing like the Birds of Dawn. OH Harp,
Sing like the Birds of Dawn. OH Harp,
with words of understanding
Let me hear the Song in my Cauldron of Wisdomto keep me from all ill
Mighty Goddess, make strong flesh and bone
Loving Goddess, make clean blood and wind
Wisest Goddess, Make clear mind and will
In my heart and at my hearth
For my kin and for my folk
That we may all be well.
Let me hear the Song in my Cauldron of Wisdomto keep me from all ill
Mighty Goddess, make strong flesh and bone
Loving Goddess, make clean blood and wind
Wisest Goddess, Make clear mind and will
In my heart and at my hearth
For my kin and for my folk
That we may all be well.