I've just added a new link to Erynn Laurie's core site about her version of Celtic mythopoetic practice, which she calls by the Irish name of Filidecht (
of poets). I've posted a lot about the occult/sorcery angle here, and maybe not so much about Celtic reconstruction efforts (whether formal CR or not). Erynn is one of the founders of the modern Neo-Celtic spiritual movement, notable for her unearthing (or publicizing - not quite sure which) of the Celtic poetic piece "The Cauldron of Poesy", and for her very important recent work on the Ogam. Her site also offers a very cool ogam deck in pdf. I have the file but haven't made the cards yet...
So, I'll be posting more Celtic and Druidic links, just to flesh out the useful resources here on el bloggo. Look for that review of "The Flaming Circle" by Robin Artisson this weekend, if I can manage it, and a wellspring review...
Fair warning. You can expect Mr. Artisson to show up and cause problems in your comments after making your review. He is well known for it and attempted to do so on my own journal after I left a poor review of this work.
Actually, I don't expect to give his book a bad review. He plainly gets many of the core concepts of the Old Ways, and his Celtic book is a different animal from his 'witchcraft' material. I've corresponded with him a bit. We shall see.
What is a good book on Filidecht? I'm a young lad btw
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