While I use standard ideas from the Druidic Order of Worship for some of the positions, I have tried to generalize these into the kinds of abstract meanings that are useful in doing 'readings' for others. If one wished to use the spread as a more direct set of omens 'from' the Kindreds, etc, that would probably work fine. As written the positions are more 'about't he influences associated with the Kindreds.
Freely offered for experiment, comments encouraged.
This spread is based on three triads and two additional omens, Thus:
The First Triad - Three Omens about the Self
1: Midrealm: The Querent: immediate and personal - the question itself
2: Earth Mother: Underlying forces, source of strength
3: Gatekeeper: Influence of the spirits, for good or ill
The Second Triad - Three Omens about the world and the querent's place in it.
4: Past
5: Present
6: Future: Direct omens about conditions and likelihoods
The Third Triad - Three Omens about influences and possibilities
7: Ancestors: Memory and Culture; influences from the past, opinions of others, social rules and customs; the Tribe
8: Landspirits: Magic and Luck; special opportunities or risks, access to power or need for protection; the Outsiders
9: The Gods: Inspiration and Blessing; the highest in the self, the most powerful in life, distant influences and sudden possibilities
If the Diviner desires she might lay omens for the last two positions
10: The Sacrifice: what will be required to gain the Blessing
11: The Blessing: The final good to be gained from the outcome
Hmm. I may have to try this with my tarot cards. Great spread!
Let me know how that goes!
I did an experimental spread for a friend using the Runes, and it went very well! I printed the sheet and actually laid the runes on it as a guide (my friend was a good guinea pig), and I was surprised by how much direction and additional insight is gained by a simple knowledge of position. I will most likely be using this spread for more in depth readings as I move further into Divination 2. Thanks for sharing!
And thanks for the feedback!
And thanks for the feedback!
Wow this spread is brilliant. I'm on the Druid path myself and work with crystals for spiritual readings- I have been working with various layouts and the querants choose a crystal for the placement instead of a card from a deck. May I work with your spread with clients please? I shall most certainly link you to my website when I have finished it (currently designing it) Bright Blessings,
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