Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Difficult Season

On the 28th of January my mother Dora passed away. It's taken me a while to decide that I should mention that here - Mom made every effort to know as little as she could about my Pagan ways, while being as open-hearted and accepting as she was of everything else about her family. In the end, I think it good to say her name, and remember her in public, which, I guess, includes here.
One evidence of her strength is that the family she left behind is pretty much sane, and we got through the attendant rituals and customs of her middle-American Christian culture with nary a raised voice. I spoke at her funeral, with only a bit of choking, and found her minister a good-natured guy who I'd enjoy having a beer with. The memorial was well-attended, bespeaking my parent's life-long tenure in their home town.

So, that's been keeping me away from blogging, a bit, though not from other writing. My projects have actually advanced, and have provided welcome escapism, in fact. The spirit-arte item is actually nearly done, look for some news this month. The Nine Moons proceeds, with the end of the 5th Moon in sight, and 6th underway.

I must thank my mom (and dad) for an upbringing that while never approving of my occult leanings, always encouraged books, ideas, learning and play. Despite her best efforts, I wouldn't be the weirdo I am today without her.

So, back to it...


Grey Catsidhe said...

Blessings to you and your family during this time.

Grey Catsidhe

Naukishtae said...

Many blessings upon you and your family..

Anonymous said...

Ian, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.