Starwood 36; 2016
So, not a ‘review’ or
even a puff-piece so much as my personal impressions and musings. Moral of the
story: come to Starwood.
My joke at the end of the event this year was that the five-hour drive from our organizing center to the site requires us to bring the event in what amounts to a pop-up can. We arrive, pull the tab and the event inflates. If only…
This year’s Starwood Festival, the 36th annual, saw a new stage of growth and maturity in the on-site management. Our ‘maturation’ has been anything but a straight-line process, with various side-steps along the way, and presently we’re growing out of our move from a site of twenty years to a new location. That has meant redesigning our program spaces and materials use, usually on an as-arrived, ad-hoc basis. After all nobody pays us to do this stuff. This year we got it right. Our new wave of volunteers has solidified, our understanding of the required logistics is clear… why, it’s almost like we knew what we were doing!
Hot weather punctuated by short but exciting thunderstorms kept the clothing to a minimum, with clothing-optional temperatures from dawn ‘til dawn. Wisteria has made a major improvement in roads and paths, and the rain produced far less slippery mud than previously; kudos to the camp for ongoing improvements – better showers, improving electrical, etc. I believe this was Wisteria’s 20th anniversary as a self-invented intentional community and business, and that feat alone is worthy of applause.
My joke at the end of the event this year was that the five-hour drive from our organizing center to the site requires us to bring the event in what amounts to a pop-up can. We arrive, pull the tab and the event inflates. If only…
This year’s Starwood Festival, the 36th annual, saw a new stage of growth and maturity in the on-site management. Our ‘maturation’ has been anything but a straight-line process, with various side-steps along the way, and presently we’re growing out of our move from a site of twenty years to a new location. That has meant redesigning our program spaces and materials use, usually on an as-arrived, ad-hoc basis. After all nobody pays us to do this stuff. This year we got it right. Our new wave of volunteers has solidified, our understanding of the required logistics is clear… why, it’s almost like we knew what we were doing!
Hot weather punctuated by short but exciting thunderstorms kept the clothing to a minimum, with clothing-optional temperatures from dawn ‘til dawn. Wisteria has made a major improvement in roads and paths, and the rain produced far less slippery mud than previously; kudos to the camp for ongoing improvements – better showers, improving electrical, etc. I believe this was Wisteria’s 20th anniversary as a self-invented intentional community and business, and that feat alone is worthy of applause.
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Kids and grownups together at Creation Station. |
But enough in-house musing – it was a great Starwood!
Efforts at budgetary control meant that we spent a bit less on our main stage,
but there was no shortage of music, both there and at two smaller stages. Most
days say lunch and dinner concerts at the kitchen and tavern venues, and a main
concert in the evening along with scheduled side-jams. Yes that’s right – the
Green Man Tavern is restored to us, this year with a selection of craft-brews
from Athens’ brewers. Happy hour was consistently happy.
Overnight temps in the high 60s meant all-night clothing-optional living, and the Drum-Fire in Wisteria’s Paw-Paw patch rocked all night, every night. Located down in the dell the drums aren’t deafening for most camps, but it’s so nice to sleep to the rocking roll of the rhythm… ah yes… This year saw the return of some classic drum-fire personal, making it a particularly good year for that end of the festival.
Overnight temps in the high 60s meant all-night clothing-optional living, and the Drum-Fire in Wisteria’s Paw-Paw patch rocked all night, every night. Located down in the dell the drums aren’t deafening for most camps, but it’s so nice to sleep to the rocking roll of the rhythm… ah yes… This year saw the return of some classic drum-fire personal, making it a particularly good year for that end of the festival.
Our workshop list continues to offer everything from sorcery
to sustainability, to art & music, from this year’s progressivism to
high-concept speculation on the future. I was very pleased to be included on a
panel with David J Brown, Oberon Zell, Phil Farber and Harvey Wasserman
discussing the future of consciousness-arts following the legalization of
cannabis. One of my goals for the next years is to bring equally high-level
occult and Pagan programming back to full-measure. At our thirty-sixth year we
have suffered some attrition, with kinsfolk like Isaac Bonewits and Margot
Adler traveling on. We have spaces to fill, and a platform to offer to new
The ritual menu was also reasonably full, though the Druid sacrifice was rained out (yeah, well…)
The ritual menu was also reasonably full, though the Druid sacrifice was rained out (yeah, well…)
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One of the ritual sites |
I was pleased with my own activity this year. Having
extricated myself from much of the physical labor I was able to concentrate on
my program elements, and things went well. I did my two-parts on Pagan
spirit-arte which were somewhat more raggedy in the woods, without visual
support, and in 75-minute slots, but seemed well-received. L. and I performed
twice, once in the café and once in the tavern. I was able to take some control
of my schedule this year; I appreciate when the team views me as top-o-the-bill
and puts me all on Saturday, but these days I get rather worn by the end of my
9-day woods fun.
The Starwood Bonfire has been the trademark of the event
since year one. It is simply true, if immodest, to say that Starwood helped to
invent and develop fire-and-drum-circle culture, inspired heavily by that first
big fire on Saturday night. Over the years, as Starwood has grown and receded
with economic tides, what began as a hot fire-party for 200 turned into a wild
carnival for 1,000, with a stack of wood as big as a house. As we have settled
in at Wisteria we have been looking for the right combination of size and
activity to hold on to that wild spirit as the years pass along.
This year we did pretty well. The fire was scaled back in
diameter, but I noted that the central stack of the three-tiered fire was quite
tall. The fire-tribe has worked for years to develop fire-models that fall
safely inward and downward, and that makes a 25’ center-stack possible even in
a smaller fire. This year’s fire blew up real good, as usual, and then produced
a footprint that allowed the crowd to approach and dance without being roasted.
We’re still developing an entertainment model that allows some ‘performances’
that don’t interfere with the general dance, but we had a good night, ending
with the miraculous pancakes of dawn.
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And under a Full Moon, too... |
Starwood is more than just an event created by a committee,
it is, or contains, a culture that has grown by its own life inside the event.
Fire-tribe, Palace, Druids, people bring their own seeds and grow them in our
soil by the light of our fire. One of the most central of these magics is the
work of making the Torches that are used to light the Fire. This set of
customs, and the crew that support it, grew from the attempts of early years to
craft effective and safe carry-able torches. Many experiments were made, and
many a torch-head dripped flaming oil, or went out in 7 minutes, or burned
through and fell off like a match-head. Finally the current formula of
paraffin-soaked terry-wraps was devised, and it produces some of the steadiest
and most reliable torches I have seen outside of the movies. The custom has
become to name each of the eight-plus-one torches by a certain virtue or power
of desirable thing, and this provides a unique flavor to each year’s enchantment.
This year’s torches were named Healing, Integration, Love, Perseverance, Flow,
Transcendence, Wisdom/"Adulting", Slack and the Master Torch, from
which the others were lit, was Grace. By that spell we bless these good things
into us all.
Grace is a funny word, one with accumulated layers of
meaning in our English tongue. In Christian theology it is used to describe
‘unmerited favor’, such as the gift of salvation, given whether we ‘deserve’ it
or not. I prefer an older meaning. Grace refers to the natural and undeniable
presence of beauty, true form, and balance, and to our experience of those
things. The two definitions are not unrelated. We do not need to ‘deserve’ the
beauty of a sunset or our delight in it – they are given to us freely,
regardless of our ‘moral’ condition. The Three Graces of Hellenic Paganism were
named Aglaea ("Splendor"), Euphrosyne ("Mirth"),
and Thalia ("Good Cheer"). Splendor,
Mirth and Delight – what three things can better describe the lighting of the
Starwood Bonfire, and the all-night revel that it illumines?
So we emerge from this year well-recharged and energized for coming organizing. On we go, my kin! Thanks to all, and remember: We All Do It Together.
So we emerge from this year well-recharged and energized for coming organizing. On we go, my kin! Thanks to all, and remember: We All Do It Together.
Wonderful. Hear hear.
Here's what's coming up for me NOW...
Some of the factors contributing to the magic of the Starwood 36 Bonfire Night:
- The artful, lyrical spell casting to open Starwood and the circle to close it - it clearly worked well this year! :-)
- Threshold crossing on bonfire night led by Muruga and Cosmic Hoedown, who so artfully wound us through the wormhole and the rabbit hole, and into the dance... (I would highly endorse a return invitation for Muruga and whatever musical ensemble is his keenest interest in summer '17)
* Opening with an OMMM with the audience and riding off of that? Wow. That is art. That is entrainment, attunement and participation at its finest. *
- Streamlining of the chant and the words that bridged us from the musical performance to the procession. We had but ONE verse of "we will kindle a fire" to master this year, and I believe that there were two last year... The cadence of the single verse falling in and out of time, as we proceeded, and going round and round, was enchanting and tranceful... :-)
- The smaller fire - Yes, yes! What a great metaphoric illustration of the age-old "bigger is no always better." In our great pursuit of bigger, brighter, hotter, more spectacular, it is very easy to lose that divine, liminal edge where we can walk to induce magic... that line between pleasure and pain, awake and dreaming, light and dark.... I found the fire to be the PERFECT size this year
- The coordinated drumming to accompany the lighting ritual... I believe it was Alex Wedmedyk who I heard "conducting," just lightly, and VERY much entrained with what was going on with the torch bearers
- The drumming in general, and the interplay between drum and dance....
Those are the highlights flaring for me in this moment.
2016 was my first time attending Starwood and you alluded to something that really struck me as the part of Starwood that really sets it apart from other festivals. That is the feeling that the attendees are like empowered kids in a giant sandbox where they can create and play. The adults are nearby but there was a real sense of creativity and freedom. I attend six to nine festivals per summer and after visiting Starwood it is safe to say that it has instantly become the favorite. I do not like to play favorites. Each festival has its charms. But if it came to a choice of only one, it would be Starwood for a number of reasons.
Great recap Ian!
Sucks to have missed Starwood this year, nothing will ever quite compare to it's magic and intensity.
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